From Correlation to Causation through stories and math

Correlation and causation are two concepts that people often mixup in their minds. I must admit that I myself have been guilty about this, and it unlikely that I would ever entirely grow out of it as it is wired deeply into our psychology. Let me use this article to briefly emphasise what the concepts of correlation and causation means, some interesting stories that have emerged from people misunderstanding these concepts and an algorithm that attempts to find causal relationship using correlation information. Here is a story that I heard a professor of mine, Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jan Camiel Wit, tell us during a lecture. There was a school that was involved in a study to see if providing free mid-day meals to students, which they could choose to be subscribed to this or not. At the end of the study, both the students who subscribed to it and did not where tested for different health indicators. It was observed that the students who chose to have meals from the programme had poorer health

Creating awesome text banners in Linux Terminal

In several opensource projects that we see around in the web, certain developers prefer to add banners like the following at the top of the source code. These do look cool, but I have often wondered why anyone would waste so much time making things like these.

As I have been surfing around the web, I happened to see Linux Terminal apps that generates these for you. I have used them to generate such banners for the BuddyGo.


To install Figlet, use the following command (if you have apt-get):
sudo apt-get install figlet


To install Toilet, type the following in your linux command line:
sudo apt-get install toilet


To install Banner, type the following in your linux command line:

sudo apt-get install sysvbanner

Now, you can also contribute to the Open Source community in style. Make contributions on GitHub, BitBucket, or whichever platform you are using.


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