Turning your phone into a virtual-joystick

Update: I kept working on this and I have released it as a package for Windows, Linux and macOS. Check it out: https://github.com/zenineasa/joystick/releases/tag/v1.0.0 -- During the days when I was pursying my master's programme, my friends and I used to occasionally go to a classroom in the university, turn on a projector, connect devices like Nintento Switch or Gaming computers and loads of joysticks, and play different simple multiplayer games; MarioKart was my favourite. From time-to-time, when I get together with people, I ponder that it would be a good idea if I bought such devices. Indeed, I do have a laptop, which could easily run such games; SuperTuxKart is similar enough to MarioKart and it can run on Linux, Windows and Mac. However, I do not have joysticks with me at the moment. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea if I simply worked on a project that would enable using our phones as joysticks. From a high-level, the plan is to host APIs on a NodeJS server that wo...

First stop - Zurich!

I started my journey last night at around 11 PM IST from India and reached Zurich at around 2 PM CET today. The journey in itself was a bit hectic as I have been carrying four different bags that weight abotu 43 kilograms in total. However, I find Doha and Zurich airports to be nice. Furthermore, I like the concept of the 24 hour pass that one could use to travel anywhere withtin the city via any mode of public transportation - trains, busses, boats!

Tonight, I am staying at Aswin's place tonight. Aswin was my Junior at IIT Patna and he is doing his master's at ETH now. I shall be going to Lugano tomorrow as I wouldn't be able to collect the keys to my apartment if I reach in the night.

I have also contact Anupam, my batchmate from IIT Patna, who is working at Google Zurich office. We may go out a bit to explore the city.


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