From Correlation to Causation through stories and math

Correlation and causation are two concepts that people often mixup in their minds. I must admit that I myself have been guilty about this, and it unlikely that I would ever entirely grow out of it as it is wired deeply into our psychology. Let me use this article to briefly emphasise what the concepts of correlation and causation means, some interesting stories that have emerged from people misunderstanding these concepts and an algorithm that attempts to find causal relationship using correlation information. Here is a story that I heard a professor of mine, Prof. Dr. Ernst-Jan Camiel Wit, tell us during a lecture. There was a school that was involved in a study to see if providing free mid-day meals to students, which they could choose to be subscribed to this or not. At the end of the study, both the students who subscribed to it and did not where tested for different health indicators. It was observed that the students who chose to have meals from the programme had poorer health

Paper on "Application of deep and reinforcement learning to boundary control problems"

Recently, I wrote a paper based on my master thesis project, which I had attempted to submit to AAAI conference. However, the attempt was futile as the reviewers did not really like it. It was quite interesting to see that at least some of the comments by the reviewers are contradictory with each other; it looks like I am not the only one who is lazy to read.

Anyway, I decided to make it available for the public via arXiv and viXra. The following are the links to the same.

Originally, I had only planned on submitting this to arXiv. When I checked the submission portal a couple of hours after the scheduled publishing time, I saw that the article was put "On Hold" from being published. I searched for the reasons for the same, and I read in a few places that sometimes arXiv takes a lot of time to publish them once put on hold, and sometimes they just don't publish them at all. Therefore, I decided to submit it to viXra as well.

Interestingly, arXiv published my article a day following when it was originally scheduled to be published; and viXra published it just about 30 minutes after arXiv.


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